Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Oh Hi,
I finally remember that
I've left my blog aside for more than 2 months,
it's all grassy and I think even there's mold. 

Semester Break,
2 months long,
a really long time, for rest,
but way never enough, for enjoy

I've done nothing other than gaming,
and stay in hospital.
Of course, cook, eat, sleep, watch movies too.
Most of the time, I game.

Sometimes it's really interesting,
or rather a miracle for me.
Gamers in front of each other's screen,
hang out together in a restaurant,
share the same table rather than sharing the same party in-game.
That feeling,
I don't know how to describe,
for me it's way beyond awesome,
it's too much for me to appreciate.

just because something that precious comes to me,
I'm afraid,
I'm even more afraid of losing,
so I try not to put in too much of my emotions and care,
because I know other people don't.
Not as much as I did,
But I couldn't afford losing anymore.

I've forgotten a lot,
sad things,
hard times,
and tears,
that I have during my school days in university.
But when I touches my keyboard with my screen loading with Blogspot.com
everything flashes back with such incredible speed,
that I hate to face.

Day after day,
I've never enough of gaming.
At the same time,
I never afraid to go back for my study,
because I appreciate those days where every single day counts,
every hour is precious.

I will not stop gaming,
nor will I stop moving forward.
Both kept me alive,
because of people I care,
is appreciating me.

Scrolling through YouTube channels,
suddenly an old video that I used to watch at Form 3,
pops out.
It's a piano soundtrack,
Final Fantasy X-2 : Eternity, Memories of Lightwaves.
A simple video,
that never get out of my mind until today.

There's so many videos in YouTube,
and there's always those "red people" videos in the "recommended in your country" channel,
none of them catch my eyes,
none of them stay in my mind more than a day.
What I'm trying to say is,
if something is powerful,
they don't need any other element,
to stand out.

For me,
music is one of them.
Final Fantasy is another.
When you combine Final Fantasy and Music,
what else can I ask for?
It's love.


- I'm ready, for another session of emo days -