Thursday, September 26, 2013

Kawai xI Idea

Was planning to produce a blog post for days,
but couldn't come out with a good idea.
Everything happened too fast,
assignments, homework, studies and etc.

It's already the 3rd week I started my university life,
everyday is packed,
class class class class wash clothes class class class eat sleep.
However, I've slowly get used to this kind of living pattern,
and get closer to my course mates as well.
We share ideas, study, and sometimes eat together,
giving me a feel of living in a group.
For me is actually a very special and new feeling,
where I suppose to be uncomfortable with group living,
but I'm getting used and kinda feel satisfied with it.
what happened to me.

There's something my Analytic Chemistry lecturer said that impacts my heart,
"You all are young scientists, be creative and innovative".
Indeed, so many people gave a sense of "boring" or "complicated" to the studies of pure science, 
especially Chemistry.
I found it rather interesting and I tends to be creative when I have limited sources.
However, I need a greater and stronger foundation to discover more and to be innovative.
I'm actually glad that I got Pure Chemistry,
something that I'll definitely fight for.

There's some complicated feelings here in hostel,
I don't really hate it like I did 2 weeks ago,
and felt safe and familiar with this room.
Talking with Melvin till midnight,
laugh together,
sing together,
would it be something I lost long time ago and I got it back in this way?
God knows.

Tha'Nera Telezia

- Fantasy . Lockheart -
Wish you all the best of luck my friends,
to those friends that shattered apart, 
I miss you all.
Also to those friends that stay at KL,
I miss you all.

Rekri'Ato Meh

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